Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Resources

  • Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is, by definition, a clean, affordable and reliable waste-derived fuel that can be used to power homes, businesses and even vehicles.

    How does it work? Every community in America produces waste. As that waste breaks down, it emits methane, which is a naturally occurring, but potent and harmful greenhouse gas (GHG). Read more about the climate impacts of methane here .

    RNG projects capture this methane from existing food waste, animal manure, wastewater sludge and garbage, and redirect it away from the environment, repurposing it as a clean, green energy source. Made from matter that is already decomposing right under our feet, RNG is the product of pure innovation and ingenuity.

    As a storable, replenishable fuel that looks and acts like natural gas, RNG provides a practical, cost- efficient and reliable energy solution – and it is available today! Hundreds of farms, businesses and residents are already using it.

    RNG is not only helping slow the impacts of climate change in the near-term, it is also helping to rebuild local economies for the future.

  • Just like electrification, wind and solar, RNG is an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to moving away from our dependence on fossil fuels. That said, RNG is unique in that the technology is already here.

    To effectively address environmental challenges now, we need a diverse portfolio of solutions and resources that can start working together today and affect measurable change quickly.

    RNG is a game changer because it reduces the impacts of organic wastes, while also fueling a greener future. Solid waste is expected to grow nearly 70% by 2050 due to natural human activity. RNG provides a near-term solution for effectively managing this colossal waste issue and getting us on the path to implementing a source of clean, reliable fuel.

    The choice couldn’t be more clear – while some other sources of green and renewable energy will require significant infrastructure changes to be implemented, RNG can be used in existing systems and appliances today.

    View the current North America RNG facility map.

  • For those hoping to reduce their use of fossil fuels, renewable natural gas is a clean, affordable and reliable option. While many renewable energy alternatives require costly upgrades to your home, RNG acts like conventional natural gas in all heating applications. Therefore local utilities can send it directly to your home without the financial commitment of upgrading or adjusting existing appliances.

    During power outages, RNG can also be tapped to provide reliable, sustainable energy. This dependability is also why it is already being used to power essential services for food storage, airports, universities, hospitals and other important facilities.

  • Everything. To farmers, RNG is simple – it’s about responsible energy ingenuity. RNG is already used by farmers around the world because it provides them with an effective waste management solution, while creating long-term financial and clean-energy assets.

    While RNG can be created from a variety of different sources, farmers are in a unique position because the burdensome waste they regularly have to manage – whether it be food waste, crop residue, animal manure or wastewater – can now be recycled into RNG.

    By embracing RNG, farms can create new revenue streams, not only from efficiently handling naturally occurring waste, but also from the sale of RNG to others. Renewable natural gas production, through anaerobic digestion or “fermentation” of materials, yields valuable by-products for farmers, including more effective fertilizers and even recycled animal bedding, all of which can be used on the farm or sold for additional profit. While RNG is not exclusively useful to farmers, the benefits of renewable natural gas are uniquely geared to benefit their economic futures, our nation’s domestic food sources and farming communities.

    RNG is helping farming families continue their legacy of putting food on our tables and sustaining our economy at a time when farming has never been tougher.

  • RNG is a proven economic driver and job creator in communities across the country – not just for farmers, but also for local businesses, governments and municipalities.

    RNG has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years with hundreds of RNG facilities now operational, under construction or in development. Recent expenditure analysis also shows that most jobs associated with RNG are high paying!

    Under a public-private partnership, an RNG facility can result in increased revenue for communities and lower operational costs associated with waste management away from local governments. Moreover, while other green options often involve major, costly structural changes, RNG offers governments, consumers and businesses the ability to utilize current natural gas infrastructure, while shifting to a clean energy alternative.

    Read more about the economic benefits of RNG here.

  • Yes, RNG can be used to create renewable hydrogen (RH2) and electricity, providing similar opportunities for farmers and local communities to create clean, storable energy, while reducing waste, decarbonizing and making use of existing infrastructure.

    When RH2 production and electricity production is paired with carbon capture and sequestration, the renewable natural gas (RNG) process is ultimately carbon-negative.