Calculators & Common Conversions

US EPA Logo copy3.png

U.S. EPA GHG Equivalencies Calculator

This calculator is useful in communicating greenhouse gas reduction strategy, reduction targets, or other goals aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Cummins Westport GHG Emissions Calculator

This emissions calculator provides a representative Well to Wheel (WTW) GHG emissions analysis of natural gas engines in different applications.


Clean Energy Emissions Calculator

This calculator is useful for calculating your fleet’s impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions with natural gas fuel.


Kinetrex Energy Emissions Calculator

Predict your fleet’s impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions with Renewable Natural Gas.


Biogas World Anaerobic Digestion Calculator

Get information on biogas production, biogas utilization, potential revenue and cost, preliminary mass balance, GHG reduction and more.



RNG Coalition’s EGE Conversion Tool

If a facility produces 750,000 MMBtu per year (HHV), this is equivalent to 676,997 MMBtu per year (LHV).  The facility would generate 8.8 million RINs (EGE) per year, which is also equivalent to 5.8 million GGE per year or 5.3 million DGEs per year.

*The values in the table are in lower heating value. To convert from HHV to LHV for natural gas divide by 1.1078332.