California Energy Commission seeks comments on RPS Eligibility Guidebook (8th Edition)

By, the Coalition For Renewable Natural Gas. 

The California Energy Commission is seeking written public comments on the Staff Draft Renewables Portfolio Standard Eligibility Guidebook, also known as RPS Guidebook, Eighth Edition.
The RPS Guidebook describes the eligibility requirements and process for certifying renewable resources as eligible for California’s RPS and describes how the Energy Commission verifies compliance with the RPS.
The RPS Guidebook is revised periodically to reflect statutory, market and regulatory developments and to respond to lessons learned through implementing the RPS program.
Written comments must be submitted to the Dockets Unit by 5 p.m. Feb. 17. See the Notice Requesting Public Comments for complete information on submitting comments.
The Staff Draft RPS Guidebook is available for review in a clean version, showing changes in gray highlight, and underline/strikeout format.