Hitachi Zosen to get biogas business underway in US


Hitachi Zosen (HZC) is set to construct an energy-from-waste facility in San Luis Obispo County, California, marking the start of its biogas business in the US. 

The project will be carried by out by HZC, along with its wholly-owned subsidiary Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI), which is invovled in EPC and service business of energy from waste.

Project special purpose company (SPC), which was created by HZ group companies, will develop a Kompogas facility, which is expected to be cost around $22m.

The SPC will operate the plant to produce electricity, which will be sold to customers for 20 years.

In 2014, HZI purchased Kompogas EPC business from Axpo Kompogas Engineering ((Komeng). Later HZC group companies created Kompogas SLO to serve as Project SPC to manage the construction, operation and maintenance of the facility.