Oregon governor signs bill to expand RPS, phase out coal

By Erin Voegele, Biomass Magazine.

On March 11, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed legislation that doubles the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) while eliminating coal from Oregon’s energy sources. The measure also provides incentives for energy efficiency, small- and community-scale renewable energy projects, and some existing biomass energy plants.

"Knowing how important it is to Oregonians to act on climate change, a wide range of stakeholders came to the table around Oregonians' investments in coal and renewable energy," Brown said. "Working together, they found a path to best equip our state with the energy resource mix of the future. Now, Oregon will be less reliant on fossil fuels and shift our focus to clean energy. I'm proud to sign a bill that moves Oregon forward, together with the shared values of current and future generations."