Ontario Commissioner Reports Reduced GHG Emissions

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) has released the 2017 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Progress Report, showing that Ontario’s GHG emissions have dropped to the lowest level since reporting began in 1990, while gross domestic product (GDP) and population have continued to grow.

By Nathalie Risse, PH.D., for International Institute for Sustainable Development. 

The ECO is an independent, environmental watchdog for the province of Ontario.

Titled ‘Ontario’s Climate Act: From Plan to Progress,’ the report is an “independent, non-partisan review” of the Ontario government’s progress in reducing GHG emissions for 2016-2017. After its issuance by Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) Dianne Saxe, in January 2018, the report was transmitted to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Parliament) for consideration.